2023 Book List

In 2019 I read 120 books which was an interesting adventure, but left me burnt out. I was so focused on getting the numbers I didn’t retain as much information as I should have. It also bled over to the next few years where I didn’t read anywhere as much as I normally would because it felt more like a chore than a fun distraction. But now it feels like I have turned a page (book pun) and reading feels fun again so I figured why not start up the list again. I’m not going for volume, I am going for enjoyment and information. It isn’t a competition, it is just a way to augment my life.

2023 Reading List
Update 4/16/24
*Previously Read

*The Crossroads of Should and Must- Luna
Winter Count- Lopez
Endurance- Kelly
Gengis Kahn- Lister
Change by Design- Brown
*The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe- Lewis
*Norse Gods- Gaiman
The First Rule of Mastery- Gervais
A Stranger in the Woods- Finkel
*The Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life- Varty
We Are The Weather- Foer
The Hobbit- Tolkien
Deep Work- Newport
Going Infinite- Lewis
The Socrates Express- Weiner
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up- Kondo

Quitting books has been a serious issue in the past, I’m trying to overcome my Type A urge to leave nothing unfinished in order to preserve my sanity. Here are some books I have quit and why.

The Fabulist: The Lying, Hustling, Grifting, Stealing, and Very American Legend of George Santos by Mark Chiusano
-A true tale about the most interesting man in American politics, I wanted to love this but the writing was just so terrible that I couldn’t get more than half way through. The facts about Santos are dodgy at best, but they weren’t well structured and the author did not put together a compelling story. After 4 or 5 attempts to read it I just had to return it to the library, if I need better stories and more information there is plenty on the internet for me to find.